Join us for our potluck dinner this Monday monthly meeting!! Bring a dish, try several dishes!

Hola Mushroom amigos!!

Join us this next Monday for our monthly meeting and our potluck dinner!!

Bring your favorite mushroom dish to share and enjoy a full array of tasty fungi! You’ll not want to miss this! There are some great items at the potluck and should you like to feel inspired as to what you could bring, here are some pro-item dishes from Chef Sara and the SDMYCO Mushroom Mixer last weekend.



CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS: We’re excited to announce the voting is now open for the CA State Mushroom! VISIT: and vote now. One vote per CA resident. Polls close Saturday, May 7 at 11:59pm.
California has a state bird, state flower, state animal, even a state lichen, but not a state mushroom! Given California’s wealth of natural resources and the essential role mushrooms play in maintaining our biodiversity, it is time California had a State Mushroom!
Mycologists, mushroom societies, and other fungus lovers from around the state have identified six mushrooms that would best represent our wondrous state. Now we need the public’s help. All California residents are invited to vote for their favorite mushroom. The winning selection will be taken to the State Legislature to make it official.
This is important. Mushrooms have a central role in California’s ecology and deserve recognition of their contributions. Selection of a CA State Mushroom will help increase awareness of and funding for preservation of mushroom habitat and natural resources. This is the first step in a fun(gi) journey.
Make sure you vote for your favorite mushroom and we are looking forward to seeing you at our activities and meeting.
Hasta la fungi,
Musho love,