Foray at Felicita Park Saturday January 25, 2014

In conjunction with Britt Bunyard’s guest lecture, the SDMS will host a foray at Felicita Park on Saturday January 25, 2014. All are welcome to attend the lecture on Friday and the foray on Saturday.

The foray will start at 10:30 AM.  Everyone MUST complete a Liability Waiver Form in order to participate in the foray.  A form must be completed for each foray activity.  The liability waiver form can be found on the website under the Events Tab (  If you are unable to print the PDF form, we will have copies of the form on hand the day of the foray. Please arrive a little early in order to complete the form. The plan is to forage for one or two hours and then meet for a group discussion of the found treasurers. If interested, feel free to bring a sack lunch. Parking is $3.

Foray Follow-up: Despite the extremely dry conditions, we found several different types of mushrooms and everyone learned a few things.  The following specimens were found and mentioned in the group discussion: Agaricus sp., Annulohypoxylon thouarsianum (cramp balls), Armillaria sp. (honey fungus), Astraeus hygrometricus (earthstars), Boletus chrysenteron, Boletus dryophilus, Chlorophyllum rachodes (shaggy parasol), Coprinopsis atramentaria (inky caps), Omphalotus olivascens (jack-o-lantern), Phellinus gilvus, Schizophyllum commune, Stereum sp., Trametes versicolor, and Yellow slime mold.