SDMYCO Mushroom Cultivation Workshop, Saturday 2/1/2020

Join SDMYCO and mushroom farmer Sam Andrasko with assistance from Eric Muller and Austin Watkins for a hands-on mushroom cultivation workshop. The class will include instruction on home culturing and growing techniques to get you started cultivating your own mushrooms at home. You will learn basic knowledge on how mushrooms grow and digest substrates and what they require in their environment to stay healthy and fruit well. January through April is a perfect and forgiving …

SDMYCO Member Mushroom Dinner: Tickets on Sale 1/20 @ Noon!

  Feast on Fungus. Munch on Mushies. Join us for this members only, special event prepared by SDMYCO Club Chef Sarah Restivo of Rancho Valencia to be held at Longship Brewery. Tickets go on sale this Monday, 1/20 @ Noon. Tickets will sell out fast so mark your calendar!   SDMYCO Member Mushroom Dinner Monday 1/27/20 6:30-8:30 Longship Brewery 10320 Camino Santa Fe, Suite C San Diego, CA 92121

SDMYCO 2020: First member meeting of the decade, Monday, 1/6

Happy (almost) New Year + Winter Solstice you beautiful mycophiles! Our first meeting of 2020 is just a few weeks away on Monday, January 6th. Gather your myco-curious friends and join us to immerse yourself in an evening exploring the intersection of mushrooms + art. As a reminder we meet the first Monday of each Month, October – May. Download our public event calendar to stay up to date on all the happenings. January 6th …

SDMYCO Mushroom Identification Workshop, Sunday 12/22

Join SDMYCO and guest teacher Michelle Hinojosa for a hands-on mushroom identification workshop and walk through Los Penasquitos Canyon. SDMYCO Mushroom Identification Workshop Sunday, 12/22 10am – 2pm Los Penasquitos Canyon Ranch House Canyonside Park Driveway, San Diego, CA 92129   Register HERE  $20 for members (with code sent through member mailing) $30 non-members Spaces available: 20

December SDMYCO Meeting: Holiday Potluck and White Elephant Gift Exchange

Hello Myco Friends! Our next monthly meeting is Monday, December 2nd and we will be hosting our annual mushroom inspired potluck and white elephant gift exchange.  Volunteers are needed for setting-up and decorating the room. Set-up will begin at 5:30pm. Please come early to help us set the mood.    December Meeting Details Balboa Park, 1650 El Prado, Room 101  5:30 – 6:30pm: Set-up 6:30 – 8pm: Dinner & Gift Exchange Bring a savory or …