November Mycology Meeting Monday, 11/4

Hello mycophiles! We have a fun week ahead! Sunday 11/3 are the first showings of Fantastic Fungi in Encinitas, Monday 11/4 is our November meeting, and Tuesday 11/5 is the second showing of Fantastic Fungi (ticket details below) with special appearance by Director Louis Schwartzberg. So gather your curious friends and join us for a fabulous week of fun(gus)!⁠ As a reminder we meet the first Monday of each Month, October – May. Download our …

SDMYCO Board of Directors – Call for Applications!

Become a Board Member! We have begun the 2019/2020 SDMYCO season and we are looking to fill a few board vacancies and other roles during our annual election at the November monthly meeting on Monday 11/4. All active (paid) members will have the opportunity to apply and then to vote on November 4th. If you have been wanting to get more involved this is a great opportunity! We are seeking a few legacy positions to be filled …

Calling All SDMYCO Citizen Scientists for Continental Mycoblitz 10/20-27

Calling All SDMYCO Citizen Scientists! Join us as we participate in the Second Continental Mycoblitz of 2019 – October 20-27. A mycoblitz, similar to a ‘bioblitz’, is an intense and time-limited survey, completed by ordinary citizens (like you!) of all the organisms living in a given geographic area. This one will be the first ever in North America focused solely on fungi! 

Calling All SDMYCO Citizen Scientists! Join us in the FIRST-EVER Continental Mycoblitz this week!

Calling All SDMYCO Citizen Scientists! Join us as we participate in the FIRST-EVER Continental Mycoblitz this week – August 12-19, 2019! A mycoblitz, similar to a ‘bioblitz’, is an intense and time-limited survey, completed by ordinary citizens (like you!) of all the organisms living in a given geographic area. This one will be the first ever in North America focused solely on fungi!  This event, a collaboration between NAMA (North American Mycological Association), NAMP (North …

A World of Lichens! This Saturday, July 6th with Les Braund

Join Les Braund this coming Saturday, July 6, 2019 from 10am – 2pm  in Rancho Peñasquitos.  He will be speaking and teaching you about the wonderful, yet not very well known, World of Lichens. Due to microscope availability, this class is only offered to 6 people!! We will be using both compound and dissecting scopes. Please bring your own lichens to ID. Hand outs, chemical and other supplies will be provided. Space is limited to …