The May 5th meeting is our last meeting of the season and will be a potluck dinner. The dinner will start at 6:30 PM in Room 101, Casa Del Prado in Balboa Park. Please bring a cooked or cold dish and your own beverage. (Note: there will be no kitchen access) The club will provide plates, cups, napkins, and utensils, but feel free to bring your own. Volunteers are needed for setting up and decorating …
April 7th, 2014 Meeting – 6:30PM: Elio Schaechter
The guest speaker for our April 7th meeting will be Dr. Elio Schaechter. The meeting will be hosted in Room 101, Casa Del Prado in Balboa Park at 6:30 PM. Elio Schaechter is a distinguished Professor, Emeritus, of Tufts University School of Medicine, Adjunct Professor Emeritus, at SDSU, visiting scholar at UCSD, and a founding member of SDMS. Elio is an actively retired microbiologist living in San Diego. He spent most of his research career …
Potential Foray – March 15th
Will and Claudette Wilson have graciously invited the SDMS members to their San Luis Rey ranch on Saturday, March 15th at 10:00 AM, but we need volunteers to assist with the foray details (announcements, collecting waivers, organizing, etc.) as a large portion of the board members are not available that weekend to organize the event. Please contact any of the board members if you are interested in assisting with the organization of the foray. The …
March 3rd 2014 Meeting – 6:30PM: Mary Ann Hawke
The guest speaker for our March 3rd meeting will be Mary Ann Hawke. The meeting will be hosted in Room 101, Casa Del Prado in Balboa Park at 6:30 PM. Dr. Mary Ann Hawke is trained as a plant ecologist and environmental educator, and she is currently working at UCSD at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography on a mycology project. Her interest in fungi began when she did her PhD on soil-plant-microbe interactions in a …
February 3rd, 2014 Meeting – 6:30PM: Steve Farrar
The speaker for our February 3rd meeting will be Steve Farrar from Mushroom Matrix. The meeting will be hosted in Room 101, Casa Del Prado in Balboa Park at 6:30 PM. His talk is titled “Mushrooms and Health: The Healing Powers of Medicinal-Culinary Mushrooms”.
Fungus Fair (2-16-14) Guest Presenters
We have several exciting guest speakers presenting at the San Diego Mycological Society’s 16th Annual Mushroom Fair on Feb 16th, 2014 Our First Speaker will be Alyssa Allen presenting a demonstration of “Mycopigments” (Mushroom Dyes) Alissa Allen has been experimenting with mushroom derived pigments for 15 years. Raised by a forager in the Pacific Northwest, she has been a student of the natural world her entire life. For the past two years she has been travelling …
Foray at Felicita Park Saturday January 25, 2014
In conjunction with Britt Bunyard’s guest lecture, the SDMS will host a foray at Felicita Park on Saturday January 25, 2014. All are welcome to attend the lecture on Friday and the foray on Saturday. The foray will start at 10:30 AM. Everyone MUST complete a Liability Waiver Form in order to participate in the foray. A form must be completed for each foray activity. The liability waiver form can be found on the website under …