March 7, 2016 Meeting: Christian Schwarz – 6:30 PM

The guest speaker for our March 7th meeting will be Christian Schwarz. The meeting will be hosted in Room 101, Casa Del Prado in Balboa Park at 6:30 PM.

The title of Christian’s presentation is “Mushroom Mysteries – A Guide To What We Don’t Know about the Kingdom Fungi”

From hydrothermal vents to the insides of our brains, fungi are found everywhere. From microscopic single-celled organism to ancient an gargantuan individuals, fungi span a large range of sizes. There is much that we have yet to learn about the identities, ecology, and physiology of fungi. We’ll talk about some fascinating recent findings and ponder the questions that remain unanswered!

Christian Schwarz is a mushroom enthusiast and taxonomist and citizen science advocate from Santa Cruz, the land of milk (caps) and honey (mushrooms). He studied at UCSC, and now spends his time photographing, teaching about, and making scientific collections of macrofungi. He is coauthor of “Mushrooms of the Redwood Coast”, and is slowly building a mycoflora of Santa Cruz County ( He also writes a blog called Notes of a Mycophile ( Fungi satisfy his curiosity with their seemingly endless forms (from the grotesque to the bizarre to the sublime). He has travelled in search of fungi throughout the United States, as well as central America, Indonesia, and Europe. Besides mushroom taxonomy citizen science, and mycofloristics, he’s an excitable birder and tidepool investigator.
Christian Schwartz
Pre-Meeting Dinner:
Join us before the meeting at 5 PM as we treat our guest speaker to dinner at Blue Water Grill (3667 India St, San Diego, CA 92103).