March 12, 2016 – Members only Foray and Workshop with Christian Schwarz

There will be a members only foray on Saturday March 12th on private property in Santa Ysabel at 10:00 am. Everyone in attendance will need to complete a waiver specific to this property in order to participate in the foray. The waivers will be emailed to club members along with directions to the location. If you have not received an email by Thursday March 10th please email [email protected] to ensure we have your current email address.

We will forage from 10 am until about noon and then have a potluck lunch so please bring a dish to share. After lunch, Christian Schwarz will be guiding us on the use of iNaturalist and as well as fungus identification with keys and microsopes. To augment our fresh study materials, it could not hurt to bring any mushrooms you may have popping in your local neighborhood parks or landscaping. We should be finished by 3 or 4 in the afternoon.