There will be a members only foray on Saturday March 12th on private property in Santa Ysabel at 10:00 am. Everyone in attendance will need to complete a waiver specific to this property in order to participate in the foray. The waivers will be emailed to club members along with directions to the location. If you have not received an email by Thursday March 10th please email [email protected] to ensure we have your current email …
March 7, 2016 Meeting: Christian Schwarz – 6:30 PM
The guest speaker for our March 7th meeting will be Christian Schwarz. The meeting will be hosted in Room 101, Casa Del Prado in Balboa Park at 6:30 PM. The title of Christian’s presentation is “Mushroom Mysteries – A Guide To What We Don’t Know about the Kingdom Fungi” From hydrothermal vents to the insides of our brains, fungi are found everywhere. From microscopic single-celled organism to ancient an gargantuan individuals, fungi span a large …
Pre-Fair Foray and Set-up
There will be a members only foray on Saturday 20th on private property in Santa Ysabel at 10:00 am. Everyone in attendance will need to complete a waiver specific to this property in order to participate in the foray. The waivers will be emailed to club members along with directions to the location. If you have not received an email by Thursday, please email [email protected] to ensure we have your current email address. Please try …
SDMS 2016 Fungus Fair: Feb 21 10:30-3:30 Balboa Park
The next Fungus Fair will be on February 21, 2016 at the Casa Del Prado, Room 101 from 10:30 am to 3:30 pm. We have a great line-up of speakers and vendors. With the rain we have had recently, we should also have a good collection of mushroom specimens to view. 2016 Fungus Fair Flyer We will have the following presentations in Room 104: *** 10:30 am – Michael Wood speaking on California Mushrooms *** …
Feb 1, 2016 Meeting: Greg Rubin – 6:30 PM
The guest speaker for our February 1st meeting will be Greg Rubin. The meeting will be hosted in Room 101, Casa Del Prado in Balboa Park at 6:30 PM. The title of Greg’s presentation is “The Ties that Bind: the Essential Relationships Between Native Plant Communities and Soil Fungi.” Greg Rubin, President and Founder of California’s Own Native Landscape Design, Inc. is a licensed landscape contractor (C-27 No. 717147) who has been working with California …
New Fungus Fair Items and T-shirts – 2016
2016 SDMS T-shirts: Short sleeve ($20) and Long Sleeve ($25) {$21.70 & $27.13 with tax} Morel Board Game: $25 {$27.13 with tax} Glass Mushroom Pendants by JeriLyn Hobson-Alderman $10 {$10.85 with tax} Hand-etched Dichroic Glass Pendants by Chris Stell: $15 {$16.28 with tax}
Jan 21, 2016 Mushroom Themed Dinner at Scripps Ranch HS; Members only
Mushroom-themed dinner at Scripps Ranch HS Once again, Chef Kimberly Coelho, Culinary Arts Instructor for the Scripps Ranch High School has graciously offered to have her students prepare a mushroom themed dinner for the Mycological Society members. The meal will be prepared and served by the advanced culinary arts students and consist of three courses, and an amuse buche. This dinner is scheduled for Thursday, January 21, 2016 from 4:30 to 6:30pm at Scripps Ranch …