March Monthly Mushroom Meeting

Join us Monday March 1 for our Monthly Mushroom Meeting as we invite special guest David Rust as he brings us to the underground world of mycorrhizal connections. Discover how fungi and plants make a mycorrhizal connection! Mycorrhizal symbiosis is a seemingly simple concept:  plants provide carbohydrates; fungi gather nutrients.  That’s once the mycorrhizal connection is made, but what’s involved in the process of colonization?  How do these underground connections come about at the structural …

Annual Fungus Fair

San Diego Mycological Society Presents The 23rd Annual San Diego Fungus Fair Sunday, February 21st, 2021 Virtual Fair 10:30am ~2pm PST         Fungal friends from near and far…. we welcome you to San Diego’s 23rd Annual Fungus Fair. Virtually screened on Sunday 2/21/21 via Facebook Live and our very own YouTube Channel : San Diego Mycological Society HOW TO WATCH: Tune in to Facebook LIVE or YouTube Facebook : San Diego Mycological …

February Monthly Meeting

Join us Monday February 1 for our Monthly Mushroom Meeting as we invite guests Trent and Kristen Blizzard from Modern Foragers as they delight our palates with their talk : “Mushroom Preservation: How to preserve, store and enjoy your foraged bounty for year-round use.“ They are the authors of Wild Mushrooms: A Cookbook and Foraging Guide. Whether you are a seasoned forager or new to the wild and wonderful word of edible forest fungi, this …

First Mushroom Meeting of 2021

SDMYCO Monthly Monday Mushroom MeetingMonday, January 4, 2021 Welcome SD Mycophiles to 2021! We hope that you enjoyed your holidays and have had a wonderful start to your 2021. Join us for SDMYCO’s Monday Mushroom Monthly Meeting coming up January 4, at 7pm.       (*** SDMYCO Members check you email for registration link***) We are excited to bring you keynote speaker, Richard Tehan, PhD Candidate in Pharmaceutical Sciences, from Oregon State University, as …


Hello SD Mycophiles! Join us for SDMYCO’s Monday Mushroom Monthly Meeting coming up December 7, at 7pm. We are excited to bring you keynote speaker, Dr. Sydney Glassman, Assistant Professor of the Department of Microbiology and Plant Pathology at UC Riverside. Her lab focuses on understanding the role of soil fungi and bacteria in ecosystem regeneration after wildfires and the role of microbiology community complexity and fungal-bacterial interactions in litter decomposition. TALK : “A Tale …


Mycophiles!!!      Welcome!!! Join SDMYCO tonight, Monday Nov 2, at 7pm as we invite famed mycologist Alan Rockefeller as our host for our first Mushroom Meeting of the season. Meeting is FREE for everyone so tell your fungal friends!     DETAILS: Where: Comfort of your home via ZOOM When: Monday, Nov 2 @ 7pm Meeting ID: 902 637 2276 Password: RAIN Virtual Etiquette: Everyone will be muted upon entering, but we would like …

Resuming the Mushroom Season

Welcome back, Fungi Friends and Mycophiles! I hope this message finds you all in good health. We hope you are safe and navigating our new realities with as much grace and wisdom as you can muster. We are thinking of you! It has been a long hiatus from our regular meetings, and I trust that this time has afforded you more opportunities to forage, identify, cultivate, create, and cook with mushrooms. Although this year has …